P.J. built my web site (www.tekedit.com) in record time to look more pleasing and professional than I had thought possible.
At critical points, her energizing, collaborative style transformed what could seem to be a daunting, grinding task into fun possibilities, and her expertise in web information design and accessibility added value to the final product that cookie-cutter web solutions would not offer.
For example, P.J.:
- Designed my site to prominently display a testimonial about my work on every page instead of segregating all quotes on a single, separate page, as I had originally considered. (P.J. noted that a separate page could be overlooked too easily).
- Ensured that my site would be accessible to as many people of differing physical abilities as possible, in compliance with U.S. and World Wide Web accessibility standards, and ensuring that anyone who wants to visit my site can.
- Protected my e-mail address on the site from being harvested by web crawlers that could target me for spam.
- Tested my site on various sorts of computers, operating systems, and browsers to better ensure its uniform presentation across most platforms.
- Kept us on track to launch my site worldwide once its essentials were in place, overcoming my reservations and inertia with patient, gentle encouragement.
Judy Stitt
Cambridge, MA